Best Short Pen Caps | certificate
Best Feature Goin’ Home | certificate
Best Script Lunch Lady | certificate
Best Indie Film Under Heaven’s Eyes – ‘the Systemic and Systematic Unjustified Killings of Black Lives’ | certificate
Best Drama The Fairy | certificate
Best Documentary THE COLOR OF SLAVERY (english version) | certificate
Best Comedy BOSS OF THE TOSS | certificate
Best Thriller Imbroglio | certificate
Best Horror Carmilla Vive! | certificate
Best Animation METAMORPHOSIS | certificate
Best Women Film The Countdown | certificate
Best Experimental Film E40S | certificate
Best Web Series/TV Pilot FRIED | certificate
Best Mobile Film A Ulysses Journey | certificate
Best Microfilm Haiku Skien | certificate
Best Music Video Winding Way; Winds of the South | certificate
Best Producer Our Triumphant Holy Day | certificate
Best Director (Female) Chinese Mayors | certificate
Best Director (Male) One Day | certificate
Best First Time Director (Female) IT’S ALL IN YOUR HEAD | certificate
Best First Time Director (Male) In Our Land | certificate
Best Student Director (Female) ESTHER: Death Is No Sin | certificate
Best Student Director (Male) Requited | certificate
Best Actress Life After/Abigail Mullins | certificate
Best Actor Red Rose…Interrupted/Michael Q Adams | certificate
Best Cinematography Rumi’s Rumba | certificate
Best Editing Hot Jazz Saturday Night | certificate
Best Sound Echdoe | certificate
Best Original Score Paralysis | certificate
Best Original Song hoplove – a journey through the hop year at Lake Constance | certificate
Best Original Screenplay “Ban the Bullet” | certificate
Best Adapted Screenplay The Stranger In Our Bed | certificate
Best Production Design Sherlock Holmes and the Headless Bishop | certificate
Best Trailer/Teaser The Lamplighter (Trailer) | certificate